Cold Weather Hot Yoga Sale!

Cold Weather Hot Yoga Sale!

Do you have a room in your house that’s 105 degrees this morning?  We do!  And it feels pretty good.  We’re offering these amazing sale packages to come check it out:

Six Months Unlimited Yoga



One Month Unlimited Yoga:



51 classes per week!  Hot, Vinyasa, Yin, and Ashtanga!

These sales are available to anyone who has not been to a class in six months.

And we’re offering a great deal to come back:Do you have a room in your house that’s 105 degrees this morning?  We do!  And it feels pretty good.  We’re offering these amazing sale packages to come check it out:

Six Months Unlimited Yoga


One Month Unlimited Yoga:


51 classes per week!  Hot, Vinyasa, Yin, and Ashtanga!

These sales are available to anyone who has not been to a class in six months.

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